We need you

The future of the Palouse is in your hands. How much of your time is the Palouse worth?

Let’s do this – it’s your turn

Just 10 minutes of your time can help save the Palouse. Please politely contact all three Whitman County Commissioners and let them know you expect an immediate moratorium:

I am writing to urge an immediate emergency moratorium on industrial wind turbine development in Whitman County. Our current county codes are ill-equipped to manage structures over 500 feet, like those proposed near our cherished landmarks and habitats.

I request robust setbacks for these turbines from National Landmarks, private properties, the Palouse Prairie, and hawk nesting sites. Our county must act now, regardless of future EFSEC involvement, to protect what makes the Palouse unique.
Example Email to Whitman County

Harvest Hill’s Request to the FAA: 700 ft turbines towering over Kamiak.

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Our voices are stronger together.

Email Whitman County and the State

Let the county know that industrial wind near Colfax and Kamiak is not ok.

Call Whitman County and the State

Kindly inform staff of your opposition, or leave a message.

Complete all of the above, and share it!

You’re a rockstar, and a true champion of the Palouse.

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