About Us
Save the Palouse is a local nonprofit working tirelessly to raise awareness about the threat that the Harvest Hills Wind Project poses to the Kamiak, Steptoe, and Rose Creek National Natural Landmarks.
Our organization is driven by our deep love for the Palouse and our unwavering commitment to preserving its natural beauty for future generations.


We advocate for the preservation of the Palouse’s natural landmarks through active engagement with local authorities and decision-makers.
We educate the public about the importance of preserving the Palouse’s unique ecosystem and landscapes, as well as the destructive impact of large-scale wind projects that put convenience ahead of conservation.
Saving the Palouse isn’t about renewable energy or partisan politics. Our love for the Palouse transcends political division and we are thrilled to bring together advocates from all walks of life.
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Support our world class legal team. Let’s save the Palouse, together.
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The Palouse is in Peril