For Photographers

World-famous views are in imminent danger! Your advocacy can help #savethepalouse

Photography of the Palouse from Steptoe and Kamiak Buttes is in imminent danger! A hidden plan to turn the Palouse’s world famous rolling green hills into the area’s largest industrial site have been in the works for years – and now the county has removed all barriers and protections. Without your help, construction could start within the next few months.

2024 might be the last ever photography season at Steptoe Butte

The pristine Palouse prairie between Steptoe and Kamiak is on big industry’s radar—only informed advocacy can stop this unfathomable loss of our precious ecosystem.

Join the Cause

We urge photographers to visit the Palouse this year and document its unspoiled beauty. Share your work on social media using the hashtag #SaveThePalouse and tag our organization to amplify the message. Your participation can inspire others to take action and support efforts to protect this unique region.

What You Can Do

  • Visit and Photograph: Plan a trip to Steptoe Butte and other iconic locations in the Palouse. Capture the essence of the landscape in its current, untouched state.
  • Share and Advocate: Use your photos to tell the story of the Palouse. Post on social media, contribute to photography forums, and engage with local and national media – remember to mention the #savethepalouse effort.
  • Support the Cause: Join our efforts by donating to Save the Palouse. Your contributions help fund initiatives aimed at halting the Harvest Hills Wind project and preserving the natural beauty of the region.

Together, We Can Make a Difference

The Palouse is not just a pretty landscape; it’s a community worth fighting for. With your help, we can ensure that future generations of photographers can experience and capture the same breathtaking views that have inspired so many. Stand with us to protect the Palouse.

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