Save the Palouse – Public Meeting: June 20, 2024

The public is invited to join Save the Palouse for an evening of discussion at the Schweitzer Event Center in Pullman. Please join us we discuss the impact of the Harvest Hills project on the area surrounding Kamiak, Colfax, Pullman, and Palouse.

Public Discussion on the Harvest Hills Wind Project

What: Discussion on the impact and timeline of the Harvest Hills Wind Project

When: 6 pm – June 20, 2024

Where: Schweitzer Event Center

1825 Schweitzer Drive, Pullman, WA 99163

Want to Learn More?

Explore our website for the latest information on the impact of the proposed industrial project – the largest in the history of the Palouse.

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3 thoughts on “Save the Palouse – Public Meeting: June 20, 2024”

  1. Colleen Swanson

    I can’t be there Thursday night.
    Here are a few questions and one snide comment on Steelhead/Harvest Hills.

    It was said that each mill costs 5 million dollars. True? If so, how long it is before they pay for themselves?
    Their commercials claim that this ‘protects family farms’. How so?
    Also claimed is, hundreds of well paying jobs. For how long? Then ‘half a dozen’ full time maintenance staff. That’s 6 jobs. There are plenty of jobs around the Palouse.
    Furthermore they claim that this will save family farms. From what and how so?
    Finally, ‘millions’ in revenue for schools, hospitals….etc. Is that over the projected lifetime of the ‘farm’, 35 years? Millions can mean two million. A lot of Americans have at least half that figure in retirement investments. Two million over thirty five years? For THIS?

    Basically, what they’re attempting to do to Kamiak Butte will be the biggest display of graffiti ever visited upon any natural monument in America.
    And it won’t wash off.

    God bless you all in what you’re doing. Where do I get more signs?

    1. Rick McNannay

      Hello Colleen. Excellent questions and thank you for your support. Signs can be purchase at Signs &Designs in Colfax and J&H printing in Pullman. Please let me know if you are unable to get to either of those places and someone in our group will get one to you.

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